Tuesday, March 17, 2009

post by my mom

Happy b'day dear fairy

How can I ever forget the gift of my life I received this very day. A little bundle of joy came knocking at the door of my life.


I had been patiently waiting for nine months to see her face. The jerks I had felt in my abdomen becuase of my little fairy had given me enough hint that my little bundle of joy would be a naughty child.


Wow! there she came this very day fifteen years ago without giving me any pain. I always wanted a daughter so had chosen a beautiful pink dress for her(pink being my favorite color). As the nurse brought her and laid at my bedsie, i just couldn't believe it was my daughter. She really looked like a little fairy who had just descended from heaven.


Yes, she has been a fairy. She has been sharing my pain, has gone through a lot of pain herself, but still she is the one who is the source of happiness for me. She always feels that I love her less as I am a bit of disciplinarian and a bit perfectionist. She will understand my feelings when she herself becomes a mother.


Today rather everyday, I wish and pray that she enjoys good health, successful career and a loving and understanding companion. Being a mother I am selfish, I want her to have everything best in life. I know there would be thorns in her path, so i wish she has the strength of enduring the pain of those thorns, though I would always want no pain would ever come her way, but that's very impractical.


I am waiting for the day, when she will leave this nest to fly and explore her own sky. I really want her to have her own sky, her own dreams and I would the happiest mother when I see her soaring high to achieve them





Anonymous said...

This is awesome...a mother - daughter duo who both blog.
World has advanced so much.
Oops I forgot...A very happy birthday!!

Ananya said...

Thnx.Oh! yup its just coz of advanced technology.

Creativity said...

Awesome Expressions :)

M Ahmed said...

You have done a marvelous job! I am really inspired with your work.